FX Page
FX Page
Retrologue features 6 insert effects in series: a resonator, a phaser, modulation
effects, a delay, a reverb, and an equalizer.
Chain Section
In the Chain section of the FX page, you can see and edit the routing of the effects.
The Chain section contains a segment for each effect section that is available on
the FX page.
The sound of the human voice or of acoustic instruments can be characterized by
their distinctive formant regions, that is, by resonances in the frequency spectrum
that are typical for a particular sound.
For example, the vowel "ah" (as in father) sung by a male singer has 3 characteristic
formants: F1 = 570 Hz, F2 = 840 Hz, and F3 = 2410 Hz. The Resonator effect
allows you to induce such formant regions to a sound by using 3 filters that are
connected in parallel. You can specify the positions and levels of the formant
regions by adjusting the Cutoff, Resonance, and Gain parameters of the filters.
The Resonator effect comes with 14 predefined filter shapes that determine the
basic sound character. In addition, 3 LFOs can be used to modulate each filter
separately, which allows for adding extra motion to the sound.
Resonator Shape
To show the FX page, activate the Show FX Page button.
To change the order of the effect chain, drag the segments to new positions.
To activate/deactivate an effect, click the corresponding segment in the chain.
Defines the basic sound character of the effect. Each shape is a unique
combination of different filter types for the low, mid, and high frequency
Low-Pass 1
Low-Pass 2
Band-Pass 1
Filter Low/Mid/High