Stanley APC-BN Manual De Instrucciones De Funcionamiento Y Seguridad página 5

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© STANLEY 2019
To prevent accidental actuation and possible injury,
always disconnect air supply:
GB Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this document do not constitute CE
1. Before making adjustments.
compliance for the products.
2. When servicing the tool.
FR Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées de ce document ne signifient en
3. When clearing a jam.
rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
4. When tool is not in use.
DE Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte Kopien dieses Dokuments erfüllen nicht
5. When moving to a different work area, as accidental
die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
actuation may occur, possibly causing injury.
NL Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige kopieën van dit document willen niet
• Compressors must be adequately dimensioned to ensure
sufficient pressure and volumetric flow for the expected
zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
use. Pressure drops in the air supply can reduce the
DK Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument udgør ikke CE overholdelse for
tool's driving power. Refer to the Tool Technical Data for
setting the correct pressure for the tool.
• Industrial air lines should be laid out on a gradient,
FI Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille CE-
with the highest point nearest the compressor. Easily
accessible water traps should be installed at the lowest
points - Drain water traps at least daily, or more often
GR Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη εξουσιοδοτημένα
if necessary. Dirt and water in the air supply are major
αντίγραφα του παρόντος εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για τα προϊόντα.
causes of wear in pneumatic tools. Connecting points
for the tool should be fitted with a filter/regulator/
IT Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo documento non garantiscono la
service unit directly at the connecting point. A filter
conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
will help get the best performance and minimize wear.
The filter must have adequate flow capacity for the
NO Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette dokumentet oppfyller ikke kravene for
specific installation. The filter has to be kept clean to be
effective in providing clean compressed air to the tool.
CE-merking for produktet.
Consult the manufacturer's instructions on the proper
PT Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas deste documento não estão em
maintenance of your filter. A dirty and clogged filter
will cause a pressure drop which will reduce the
conformidade com a CE para os produtos.
tool's performance.
ES Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
• Junctions from industrial air lines to the tool should be
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
from the top of the air line.
• Air hoses should have a minimum of 10.6 Bar working
SE Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
pressure rating or 150% of the maximum pressure
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
that could be provided in the air system. The supply
hose should contain a fitting that will supply " quick
PL Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu
disconnecting" from the male plug on the tool.
nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
• Ensure that the pressure supplied to the tool does not
CZ Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu
exceed the maximum allowable working pressure, called
nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
ps max. (see Tool Technical Data), Initially set the supply
pressure to the lowest recommended working pressure
SK Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE pre dané
(see Tool Technical Data).
• Check that the tool is functioning correctly by applying
the nose to a piece of scrap wood and pulling the
HU A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül sokszorosított dokumentum nem
trigger once or twice.
jelenti a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
RO Reproducerea neautorizată este interzisă. Copiile neautorizate ale acestui document nu reprezintă
conformitatea CE pentru produse.
• Frequent, but not excessive lubrication is required
for best performance. Oil added through the air line
connection will lubricate the internal parts. Do not use
detergent oil or additives as these lubricants will cause
accelerated wear to the seals and bumpers in the tool,
resulting in poor tool performance and frequent tool
• If no airline lubricator is used, add oil during use into
the air fitting on the tool once or twice a day. Only a
few drops of oil (3-5) at a time are necessary. Too much
oil will only collect inside the tool and will be noticeable
in the exhaust cycle.
• Cold weather operation. - For cold weather operation,
near and below freezing, the moisture in the air
line may freeze and prevent the tool operation. We
recommend the use of permanent antifreeze (ethylene
glycol) as a cold weather lubricant.
Caution - To prevent frost or ice formation on the tool's
operating valves and mechanisms that could cause
tool failure, do not store the tool in a cold weather
Note: Some commercial air line drying liquids are
harmful to "O"-rings and seals - do not use these low
temperature air dryers without checking compatibility.
EYE PROTECTION which provides protection against
flying particles both from the FRONT and SIDE should
always be worn by the tool operator and others in the
work area when loading, operating or servicing this
tool. Eye protection is required to guard against flying
fasteners and debris, which could cause severe eye injury.
The employer and/or user must ensure that proper eye
protection is worn.
Eye protection equipment must provide both frontal and
side protection. Note: Non-side shielded spectacles and
face shields alone do not provide adequate protection.
WARNING! If the tool has been dropped or you
suspect tool damage perform tool operation check as
defined in the tool operation check section.
• Never place a hand or any other part of the
body in fastener discharge area of toll while
the air supply is connected.


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