Precision™ System Clinician Manual
The rechargeable Stimulator battery should
provide at least five years of service. Over
time and with repeated charging, the battery
in the Stimulator will lose its ability to recover
its full capacity. As a result, the Stimulator
may need to be recharged more often. The
Stimulator may need replacement when
stimulation can no longer be maintained with
regular charging.
IPG Battery Status
The patient Remote Control displays
the Stimulator battery status when
communicating with the Stimulator. When
the Remote Control indicates a low battery
(message: Recharge Stimulator Soon), the
Stimulator should be recharged as soon as
Clinician Manual
9055959-008 Rev A
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Failure to recharge may lead to loss of
stimulation in less than 24 hours and the
following message will appear on the Remote
Control: "Recharge Stimulator Now." After
stimulation stops, communication with the
Stimulator will also cease and multiple
recharge sessions may be required. Until a
sufficient level of charge has been attained,
the Stimulator may not communicate with the
Remote Control.
Charging Steps
• Do not charge while sleeping. This
may result in a burn.
• While charging, the Charger may
become warm. It should be handled
with care.