Fig. 9.5.4.
Note: calibrating the stick buttons
When a stick top with push-buttons is first connected
to the transmitter, the software carries out an auto-
matic calibration process. If you need to replace the
stick top for any reason, a re-calibration must be car-
ried out; this will only occur if you reset the original
calibration using the PC program "ROYALpro-
DataManager" (
20.3.). For more information on this
procedure please refer to the instructions supplied
with the "DataManager".
Digital trims
General information
The term "trimming" refers to the following procedure:
For example, you want your model aircraft to fly
straight and level when you leave the sticks exactly at
centre. If this is not the case, and the model always
tends to turn in one direction, you can adjust the neu-
tral point of the corresponding control function (in our
example Rudder) to "trim" the model accurately.
features digital trims on all four axes
of the primary sticks.
exploits the "Centre Trim" principle,
i.e. trim corrections only affect the area around the
centre point of the transmitter control, without affecting
the end-points of the travel. Compared with "standard
trims" this offers the advantage that full transmitter
control travel (and thus servo travel) is always avail-
able, because no reserve has to be provided for trim-
Centre Trim principle
Standard trims:
If you move a stick with standard trims to the right, the
servo reaches its upper end-point before the stick
reaches its own end-point, as shown in the diagram
above. This means: a dead-zone at the stick.
Fig. 9.5.5.
Dead zone
Stick travel
When the stick is moved to the left, the servo does not
reach full travel in the "down" direction. This means:
available servo travel which cannot be exploited.
Centre trims:
The servo runs to both end-points regardless of the
associated trim setting.
Since Centre Trims alter the effect curve of the trans-
mitter control, it is important to limit trim corrections to
small values. If a large correction is required, it is al-
ways best to adjust the mechanical linkage.
Advantages of digital trims
Digital trims offer two significant advantages:
1. The physical position of a conventional trim (with
trim slider) corresponds to the actual trim value,
but digital trim buttons do not. Instead the digital
trim position is displayed on the screen, and the
trim values are stored in the model memory. If you
switch model memories, the correct trims are im-
mediately available, i.e. there is no need to move
the trim sliders to the correct position to suit the
2. If the ROYAL
is used with a model for which
you have set up multiple flight phases, each flight
phase has its own trim memory, i.e. it is an easy
matter to trim each flight phase accurately, and
independently of the trims in the other phases.
The cruciform digital trims
In the case of the ROYAL
using the buttons arranged in a cross-shape below
and to one side of each primary stick unit. They are
located in an ergonomically efficient position, and are
easily reached when you are using the transmitter,
whether hand-held or in a tray.
The effect of each button-press is to shift the trim of
the associated control axis in the corresponding direc-
tion. If you hold the trim button pressed in for longer
than about 0.5 sec., the trim value changes con-
tinuously until you release the button once more
(AUTO-REPEAT function).
Each trim increment (step) is accompanied by an au-
dible beep. When the trim reaches Centre or either
end-point of the trim range, the transmitter emits dif-
ferent beeps to inform you of the position. The trim
beeps can be switched OFF and ON (
The trim of the fourth stick axis (‡) always
acts as throttle idle trim!
This also applies to gliders (powered gliders) if
this stick controls Spoiler, or model helicopters
if this stick controls Collect. (collective pitch).
On-screen trim display
The trim positions are displayed in graphic form at
both sides and the bottom of the screen in Status dis-
plays 1 - 3:
, trimming is carried out