15.4.10. Parameter Collect. P1 ... P5 (Coll. pitch
for control:
-100% ... 0% ... + 100%
for all curve points P1 ... P5 .
Curve points can be allocated to a 3-D digi-
adjuster (
Separate curve for each flight phase
The collective pitch curve for model helicopters is set
up in the menu ¢Control , Collect . For each flight
phase you can set up a separate collective pitch curve
with five curve points P1 ... P5 , in order to match col-
lective pitch to the various flight phases as accurately
as possible. The current position of the collective pitch
stick is shown in the graph in the form of a vertical
dotted line; this is intended as an aid at the set-up
Example 1: Collective pitch curve, flight phase HOVER
"Shallower" collective pitch curve from hover collective /
stick centre to minimum collective / descent, intended
to provide finer control at the hover and when touching
Example 2: Collective pitch curve flight phase CRUISE
Linear, symmetrical collective pitch curve for constant
collective pitch control characteristics when climbing
and descending. Greater maximum collective pitch val-
ues overall, as in most cases a higher system rotational
speed is set (throttle curve), which in turn makes the
helicopter capable of a better climb performance:
At any one time the screen can only display the col-
lective pitch curve for the active flight phase. If you
wish to change the collective pitch curve for other
flight phases, please remember that you must first ac-
tivate the appropriate flight phase before you actually
alter the value.
15.4.11. Parameter Throttle P1 ... P5 (Throttle
for control:
0% (= OFF) ... 100% (= full-throttle)
for all curve points P1 ... P5 .
0% (= motor OFF) ... 100%
for Min. (= idle)
Curve points P1 ... P5 can be allocated
to a 3-D digi-adjuster (
Separate curve for each flight phase
P1 ... P5
The throttle curve for model helicopters is set up in the
menu ¢Control , Throttle . For each of the flight
phases 1 - 3 you can set up a separate throttle curve
with five points, in order to match motor power to the
collective pitch setting of the various flight phases as
accurately as possible. The aim is to obtain a constant
system rotational speed over the full range of collective
pitch. The throttle curve can only be fine-tuned in
flight, and varies according to many parameters (mo-
tor power, carburettor settings, power characteristics,
collective pitch curve, rotor blades, ...). If you change
any one parameter, you will generally need to adjust
the throttle curve again.
The current position of the collective pitch stick is
shown in the graph as a vertical dotted line; this is in-
tended as an aid at the set-up stage.
Example 1: Throttle curve, flight phase HOVER
Simple throttle curve for the hover. The least motor
power is required for negative collective pitch (= de-
scent - in our example: P1 = 35% ). The most motor
power is required for positive collective pitch (= climb -
in our example P5 = 85% ).
Example 2: Throttle curve, flight phase ACRO
Symmetrical V-shaped throttle curve for increased
throttle when climbing in normal and inverted flight:
Special case: throttle Curve = OFF for electric heli-
copters with brushless motors in governor mode:
In this case a throttle curve does not need to be set up
at the transmitter. When set to governor mode, the
speed controller provides for a constant system rota-
tional speed; all it requires is a fixed pre-set value for
the requisite system speed in each flight phase. The
throttle curve can be switched off by setting the pa-
rameter Curve = OFF in the menu ¢Control ,
Throttle . In this case the values of P1 ... P5 are
automatically the same (= fixed value), regardless of
the point which you address.
Throttle curve AUTOROT (ation):
The fourth flight phase for model helicopters is the
auto-rotation phase ( AUTOROT , auto-rotation = emer-
gency landing if engine / motor fails). This phase al-
ways has highest priority amongst the flight phases,
i.e. if you operate the switch assigned to auto-rotation,
the transmitter immediately switches to the AUTOROT
flight phase, regardless of the position of the flight
phase switch for Phases 1 - 3 . A curve for Throttle
is not set; instead a fixed value is used, which allows
you to set a fixed throttle position (e.g. safe motor idle