The value for tail rotor compensation for climb can
now be set using the Coll.+ parameter.
Move the collective pitch stick to the "climb" posi-
tion (collective pitch maximum) and set an initial
value at which the distance between the tail rotor
blade tips is approximately doubled.
Now move the collective pitch stick to the "de-
scend" position (collective pitch minimum) and set
an initial value at which the distance between the
tail rotor blade tips is about 0 ... 5 mm.
For the other flight phases start with the values you
have just set. Fine adjustment of tail rotor compen-
sation ( Coll.+ , Coll.- ) for the individual flight
phases can only be carried out during flight-testing.
In the Auto-rotation flight phase ( AUTOROT ) no tail rotor
compensation is required, as there is no torque to be
allowed for since the motor is either stopped or idling.
Set the value OFF for the Coll.+ and Coll.- para-
meters. Set the Offset parameter so that the tips of
the folded tail rotor blades are in line with each other
blade pitch angle 0°).
Setting up and testing the gyro
The model templates are designed on the assumption
that a gyro system (normal / damping or heading-hold
type) - nowadays a standard feature - is used, with gyro
gain remotely variable from the transmitter via a sepa-
rate channel.
In the HELImech and HELIccpm model templates the
simplest method of gyro gain control is selected for the
ROYALevo 7; this is the gyro mode Control (
15.6.1.). This provides for manual adjustment of gyro
gain (same gain for all flight phases) using the Gyro
control (slider "E"). Later you can set up flight phase de-
pendent gyro control ( Damping or Heading mode).
The first step here is to determine the position of the
Gyro control at which maximum gyro gain is obtained.
This is done by moving slider "E" to one end-point and
rotating the model around its vertical axis. At maximum
gain you will see the largest corrective tail rotor move-
ment. If maximum gain is at the opposite position of the
slider, the direction of the Gyro channel must be "re-
versed" (
The optimum gain settings for the gyro can only be
found through flight testing. For initial test-flights we
recommend a gain of around 50%. Increase the gain
gradually during the first few flights until the tail starts
to oscillate. You should then reduce gain just to the
point where the oscillation ceases. This is the optimum
gyro gain setting.
Before you fly the model it is absolutely essential to
check that the gyro is working correctly, i.e. that it is set
up to correct any unwanted yaw movement. If it is set
up in the opposite direction, the gyro will exaggerate
any yawing tendency, rendering the helicopter uncon-
trollable. Please read the notes on this subject in the
gyro's operating instructions.
ROYAL evo 7 - Instructions
Getting to know the method of working
of the throttle limiter and direct throttle
Throttle limiter
The throttle limiter function limits the maximum speed
of the motor to a variable value in the range idle to full-
throttle, and thereby makes it much safer to start and
adjust the motor. The control for the throttle limiter is
slider F.
If the throttle limiter is at the idle position, the motor
runs at the speed set using the Min. parameter (
14.1.12.) (the collective pitch stick now has no effect on
throttle). In this position you would, for example, start
the glow motor (idle speed can be adjusted using the
collective pitch trim buttons). Only when the model is
standing on the launch pad at a safe distance, and you
have checked that the collective pitch stick is at collec-
tive pitch minimum, should the throttle limiter be
gradually moved to the full-throttle position. The motor
now accelerates to the set throttle value for collective
pitch minimum ( P1 on the throttle curve
The throttle curve is now active, and throttle is con-
trolled by the collective pitch stick.
Helicopter throttle curve
Range blocked by
throttle limiter
Changing the neutral position
If the throttle limiter is to work properly it is necessary
to set up the neutral position of the Throttle Limit con-
trol to suit your personal preference:
Throttle limit min. (= idle or OFF) forward or back
This setting is made in Menu L Setup , Control
Direct throttle (DTC = Direct Throttle Control)
For testing and adjustment work the ROYALevo7 offers
the Direct Throttle facility. Direct throttle means that the
motor can be controlled over the range idle to full-
throttle using the throttle limiter, independently of the
collective pitch stick. For example, the motor can be run
up to full speed on the ground for test purposes, and be
subjected to negative collective pitch (collective pitch
minimum) to give it a "load" - keep a safe distance away!
The switch "DTC" (N) is used to activate the direct throt-
tle function.
Page 57
throttle curve
Collective pitch stick
Actual course
of throttle