HP 33440/HP
The EP-S Cartridge can be adversely affected by the environment and time. Careful atiention
shotid be given to the fo~owing information about storing and handting cartridges.
Storage with Packaging
The following conditions should be observed:
1. Keep the EP-S Cartridge out of direct sunfight or other bright light.
2. Keep the EP-S Cartridge on a secure, level surface where it is not likely to be bumped.
Under warehouse conditions, be sure the storage area meets the conditions in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. EP-S Cartridge Storage Conditions With Packaging Intact
Severe Conditions
High 350 to 400 c
(18 Days)
Low –20° to 0° C
Maximum Temperature
High 40° to 15° C
Change (3-Minute Period)
Low –20° to 25° C
Toti Storage Time (Storage + Use): 2.5 years
High 85 to 95% RH
Low 10 to 35% ~
460 to 760 mm Hg
(0.6 to 1 atm)
460 to 760 mm Hg
(0.6 to 1 atm)
Storage After Opening Packaging
The drum in the EP-S Cartridge uses a photosensitive organic coating that deteriorates when
exposed to strong fight. The toner in the EP-S Cartridge mn dso be affected by the environment.
For these reasons, the customer must be fully informed about the correct method for storing and
handfing the cartridge. me EP-S Cartridge
must be Mly used within
months after it has
been removed fim
its pachging.
Do not place cartridges in tlre~ sunfight or near a window. Mso, do not leave them inside an
automobile for a long period of time in warm weather. (These conditions apply even if the
cartridge is still in ih package.)
In addition to avoiding areas with constant high or low temperatures or relative humidity (as
listed in Table 2-l), avoid lomtions subject to abrupt changes in either temperature or humidity,
such as nmr an air conditioner.
Do not Wore cartridges in dusty locations and avoid exposure to ammonia gas or other organic
solvent vapors.
Do not store the EP-S Ctidge
above 35° C (95° F).
Never qose
the mrtridge to tempemtures
above 40° C (104° ~.
The expiration date specified on the cartridge box is 2.5 years (storage time plus
use time) after the dati of manufacture, assuming an intact storage bag. E the
bag is broken, the maximum storage-plus-usage time is six months.