Conergy ControlCenter
Conergy SmartControl System
Connecting to the system
Using the Conergy ControlCenter software, you can connect
to the photovoltaic system to be monitored. After Conergy
ControlCenter is installed on your computer, a network
connection must be established with the PV system. Next
launch the software and connect to the system.
The basic requirement for using Conergy ControlCenter is a
network connection with the PV system to be monitored. The
following connection options are available:
| Internet connection (analogue modem)
A connection to the analogue modem in the system's
Conergy SmartControl.
| Internet connection (via PV system router)
A connection between the computer and the system router.
| Direct Ethernet connection to Conergy SmartControl
A direct 1:1 connection to a Conergy SmartControl in the
system via a Crosslink Ethernet network cable.
| Local connection to the system's network
A local connection to a system switch via an ethernet
network cable.
| Internet (via router)
VPN connection to the system.
Recommendation: 128 KByte/s up and downstream.
Narrower bandwidths will lead to slower data transfer.
Operating manual
8 Conergy ControlCenter