Setup of equipment 1 is divided into a series of menus, which are grouped by function. This group's access is allowed for administrator users.
P10 – Config. EQUIP 1
Press ENTER to access the sub-menus
Reading and editing with keyboard or ECO card
Press Enter. Use the 'up' and 'down' arrows to set between 'not available', 'read-only' or 'edit access' (use the sub-menus
P81 – Definições GCI
on the right). Pressing 'Enter' again will store the values (returns to menu P09.03.31).
Press Enter. Use the 'up' and 'down' arrows to set between 'not available', 'read-only' or 'edit access' (use the sub-menus
P82 – Prioridade GCI
on the right). Pressing 'Enter' again will store the values (returns to menu P09.03.32).
Setting user 2 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 2' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 2
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 3 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 3' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 3
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 4 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 4' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 4
for 'User 1'
Setting user 5 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 5' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 5
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 6 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 6' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 6
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 7 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 7' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 7
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 8 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 8' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 8
for 'User 1'
Setting user 9 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 9' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 9
for 'User 1'.
Setting user 10 permissions. Press 'Enter' to access the 'User 10' sub-menu. Follow the same procedures described above
User 10
for 'User 1'.
See 'control modes and status diagram'.
Press 'ENTER' and use the 'up' and 'down' arrows to set 'load/relief', 'continuous work', 'pressure drop/no load', 'dyna-
Control Mode
mic/no load', 'variable speed' , 'modulation'. Pressing 'Enter' again will store the values (returns to menu P10.01).
Note: When selecting 'variable speed', P13 menu parameters must be set appropriately.
When active (ON), allows the operator to force the compressor to go into relief.
Once activated, to force relief status, hold the 'START' button and then press the 'DOWN' arrow.
The compressor will remain in relief until the forced relief condition is removed. If the relief period expires, the compressor
will go to the initial starting state.
To remove the forced relief condition repeat the sequence. Stopping the compressor removes the forced relief condition.
Perm load strength
Note: If during the forced relief condition the compressor returns to the initial starting status, the operator will need to
remove the forced relief condition so that the compressor can enter the load state again.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to set between 'ON' and 'OFF'. Press ENTER. Thus, the configured value is
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.02.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to set the allowed values. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is stored in
Load pressure
memory and the browser returns to P10.04 ~ 05.
The minimum allowed difference between load and relief pressures is 0.2BAR (or another selected unit of measure with
Relief pressure
equivalent value).
Operating period. See control modes: pressure drop / no load.
Relief pressure
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to set between 60 and 3600 seconds. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.06.
Relief period. See control modes: pressure drop / no load.
Relief period
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to set between 60 and 3600 seconds. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.07.
RS485: SETUP 1
Press 'ENTER' to access RS485: sub-menu setting 1.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to select between 'Airbus485TM', 'MODBUS master' or 'MODBUS slave'.
RS485: SETUP 1
Press 'ENTER'. The set value is stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.09.01.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to select between 1 and 200 (unit pitch). Press 'ENTER'. The set value is
Airbus485™ Address
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.09.02.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to select between 1 and 200 (unit pitch). Press 'ENTER'. The set value is
MODBUS Address
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.09.03.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to select between 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
MODBUS Transm Rate
9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 and 931600. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is
stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.09.04.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to select between 'no parity', 'even parity', 'odd parity', 'zero parity' or
'parity one'. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is stored in memory and the browser returns to P10.09.05.
Press 'ENTER'. Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrows to set between 5 and 8. Press 'ENTER'. The set value is stored in memory
MODBUS data bits
and the browser returns to P10.09.06.