Navigating the Browse Window
The browse window is a simplified file browser that lets you navigate your computer to look for
graphics files. All attached drives on your computer are displayed, and you can select folders
from them. View sub folders by clicking on the arrows next to each folder.
The 'preview' window will show any selected graphics files.
Browse window
Browsing and loading files
Loading a still is as easy as dragging it from the browse window and dropping it into an empty
slot in the media pool.
When dropping a still into a slot, a progress indicator will show the loading status. You can
drop multiple files into the media pool, even if the first images have not yet completed loading,
as they will continue to load one after the other. If a still is dropped into a window which already
has content loaded, the existing content will be replaced.
The ATEM media pool supports PNG, TGA, BMP, GIF, JPEG and TIFF still image formats.
ATEM Media Pool
When files have been loaded into the media pool, the slots will show a thumbnail image.
Stills are marked with a slot number so you can identify them when assigning a still image to the
media player when using an external ATEM hardware panel.
Using ATEM Software Control