2.1 Terms
Safety Part
Fail-safe control system with integrated technological functions. Safety Part depends on the user configuration
and associated logical links.
PANATERM for Safety
Programming software for the graphical preparation of sequencing programs using functional block method as
well as the parameterization of sensors, actuators and other technological functions used.
The English name for Programmable Logic Control (PLC).
PLC Input signal list
Signal lines in PLC in tabular form. In PANATERM for Safety, PLC inputs can be set by the user. They have a
unique number and must be assigned to the inputs of a function block.
PLC output signal list
Signal lines from PLC in tabular form. In PANATERM for Safety, PLC outputs can be set by the user and have
a unique identification number like the inputs.
Horizontal and vertical alignment of logic operations in a function block diagram, so that intersections with
function blocks are avoided and logic operations with identical connector are merged at an early stage (related
to distance to the target function block).
Signal list
Signal lines in and out of PLC in tabular form.
Signal cell
A selectable area of the signal list which can be commented on.
Statement List includes PLC logic which is readable in Safety Part. It is generated by PANATERM for Safety.