Timed Frosting Cycle
This cycle lowers the temperature at the core
of the product from + 90 ° C to - 18 ° C in the time
set by the user. We recommend performing some
test cycles to determine the needed time to
properly chill the product. We remind you that
acquired and eventually saved times are to be
considered valid for the exclusive use of the same
product type and at the same amount per cycle.
To switch to a timed cycle, press inside the frosting
screen, the area
: the system will shut down
the temperature cycle area
timed cycle area
By pressing the area
possible to change the operating cell temperature.
By pressing the area
possible to change the duration of the frosting
By pressing the area
possible to change the fan speed during freezing.
Pressing the area
it is possible to change the
cell temperature
and the speed of the fans
during the conservation phase.
Press the area
to enable the SOFT phase:
the relative area will be enlightened
In this case the frosting cycle will be divided into
three stages :
SOFT frosting
standard frosting
and illuminate the
it is
it is
it is
Pressing the
area, the controller displays the
"advanced setting" screen :
Within this mode, following values can be changed
during the SOFT phase ;
SOFT phase ;
during the conservation phase ;
fan speed during the SOFT
phase ;
To exit the "advanced blast chilling" screen press
on the upper left display area.
To confirm the frosting cycle settings press the right
lower area
cell temperature
duration of the
cell temperature