Value release (disabled for Fast, Fast dosing, Precision profiles)
The parameter has been designed to determine when the stability marker is to be
There are three different settings:
fast and reliable,
Caution! Both parameters, filter and value release, determine how long it takes to obtain
stable result.
Autozero Function
The function has been designed to enable automatic control and correction of zero
If the function is enabled, the subsequent measurement results are compared to each
other in constant time intervals. If the results differ less than declared Autozero range,
e.g. 1 division, the balance is automatically zeroed, and the pictograms of stable
, and precise zero,
that each measurement starts with the precise zero. There are, however, some cases
when this function can be a disturbing factor for the measuring process, e.g. very slow
placing of a load on the weighing pan (load adding, e.g. pouring, filling). In such case, the
system correcting zero indication may also correct the actual indication of a load placed
on the weighing pan.
- autozero function disabled.
- autozero function enabled.
Autozero function: Dosing (disabled for Fast, Fast dosing, Precision profiles)
The function has been designed to enable/disable autozero function for Dosing.
- autozero function disabled automatically when Dosing mode is run.
YES - autozero function enabled automatically when Dosing mode is run.
Last digit
The function has been designed to enable/disable visibility of the last decimal place of
measurement result.
Always: all digits are displayed.
Never: last digit disabled.
When stable: last digit displayed only when the result is stable.
, are displayed. Active Autozero function means,
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