22.3. Adding Formulation to Formulations Database
Formulation database contains formulations names, ingredients names and their weight. Each
product used for formulation making process is saved to the database of products. When preparing a
formulation, first name it, next add ingredients. The software is intuitive and you are guided by means
of respective messages. Make sure you know complete recipe as it is necessary to specify name and
weight of each mixture ingredient. Formulations database menu has been designed to enable adding
1. Enter <
Databases> submenu and press < Formulations> button.
2. Press <
Add> button, do it to add a new formulation.
A new record is automatically added to the database, it is opened in an editing mode. Enter
necessary data.
List of parameters defined for a formulation:
Name: click name button, new window opens, go to the window and enter formulation name.
Code: click code button, enter code number.
Ingredients: click ingredients button, list of formulation ingredients is displayed (for new
formulation the list is empty), add the ingredients:
1. Press <
2. Select one of available options:
<New ingredient> - select to add a new product, first enter name, next specify mass to
be weighed during formulation making process. The software automatically adds the
products to the products database.
Caution! In order to enter remaining product data it is necessary to go to product database.
<New ingredient from database> - select to view a list of database stored products,
choose the product you need for your mixture, the software weighs as much
product/ingredient as specified by product database mass parameter. Mass value can be
edited and modified for each added product. The introduced modifications do not affect
mass value saved to the database.
Ingredients quantity: parameter disabled for editing, updated by the software upon adding of
an ingredient to a formulation.
Sum: target mass of a formulation, i.e. sum of all formulation ingredients, parameter disabled
for editing, updated by the software upon adding of an ingredient to a formulation.
22.4. Using Formulations in Weighing
Upon running FORMULATIONS mode, you can prepare the mixture either manually or by selecting
formulation from the database.
Mixture preparation options:
formulation not recorded in the Formulation Database – manual preparation,
formulation recorded in the Formulation Database,
formulation recorded in the Formulation Database – using multiplier function,
formulation recorded in the Formulation Database – determining target mass of complete
In order to use the above options it is necessary to add respective quick access buttons to the bottom
bar and set formulations mode parameters.
Add> button.
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