Condition for Scanning
MRI System Settings
a. Only for Patients Implanted with WaveWriter Alpha
System and Avista MRI Leads:
Scanner operation at or below Normal Operating Mode
limits for RF and gradient exposure:
Whole body SAR must be ≤ 2.0 W/kg, Head SAR must
be ≤ 3.2 W/kg.
b. For Patients Implanted with WaveWriter Alpha System
and Leads listed in Table 1:
If Head Transmit/Receive Coil is used, scanner
operation at or below Normal Operating Mode limits
for RF and Gradient Exposure: Head SAR must be
≤ 3.2 W/kg.
If Full Body Transmit/Receive Coil or Extremity
Transmit/Receive Coil is used, then the scan sequence
throughout the scan must have B1+ rms less than or
equal to (≤) 3.2 µT.
If B1+rms is not available, then the scan sequence
must have Whole body and head SAR less than or
equal to (≤) 0.4 W/kg.
Note: Using the SAR value may result in a more restrictive
MRI scan.
Patient must be positioned in supine or prone position during
the scan.
Note: The patient should be in a psychological condition and mental state in which the patient is able to provide immediate
feedback of any problems during the examination.
ImageReady™ MRI Full Body Guidelines for WaveWriter Alpha™ and WaveWriter Alpha™ Prime Spinal Cord Stimulator Systems
Ensure MRI Scanner is operated at or below Normal
Operating Mode.
For Head Transmit/Receive Coil, ensure MRI Scanner
is operated at or below Normal Operating Mode.
For Full Body or Extremity Transmit/Receive Coil,
ensure MRI Scanner is operated at or below B1+ rms
of 3.2 μT.
If B1+rms is not available then ensure MRI scanner is
operated at or below Whole body and head SAR of 0.4
Continuously monitor the patient to ensure the patient
is in the correct position during scan.
MR System Preparation
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