Proper operation during this break-in period will
help ensure maximum life and performance
from your engine. The following guidelines will
explain proper break-in procedures.
Failure to follow the break-in procedures
described below can result in severe engine
Be sure to follow the engine break-in proce-
dures described below.
Break-in period: 10 hours
Break-in procedure
1. For the initial 2 hours:
Allow sufficient idling time (about 5 minutes)
for the engine to warm up after cold engine
Running at high speed without sufficient
warm-up may cause severe engine damage
such as piston seizure.
Always allow sufficient idling time (5 minutes)
for the engine to warm-up before running at
high speed.
After warming up, run the engine at idling
speed or the lowest in-gear speed for about
15 minutes.
During the remaining 1 hour and 45 minutes,
if safe boating conditions permit, operate the
engine in gear at less than 1/2 (half) throttle
(3000 r/min.).
You may throttle up beyond the recommended
operating range to plane your boat, then imme-
diately reduce the throttle to the recommended
operating range.
2. For the next 1 hour:
Safe boating conditions permitting, operate
the engine in gear at 4000 r/min. or at three-
quarter throttle. Avoid running the engine at
full throttle.
3. Remaining 7 hours:
Safe boating conditions permitting, operate
the engine in gear at desired engine speed.
You may occasionally use full throttle; how-
ever do not operate the engine continuously
at full throttle for more than 5 minutes at any
Running continuously at full throttle for more
than 5 minutes at a time during the last 7
hours of break-in operation may cause severe
engine damage such as seizure.
During the last 7 hours of break-in operation,
do not operate at wide open throttle for more
than 5 minutes at a time.